Cat: $80
Dog (79 lbs & under): $80
Dog (80 lbs & over): $125
Extended Supportive Care* (for surgeries that take additional time and supplies): $30
Pre-anesthetic bloodwork (required for pets 8 years and older): $65
*Additional fees may apply for cryptorchid animals, pyometra, exploratory surgery, or additional medications or services as needed.

By appointment only Monday - Thursday. If no appointments are available, please check back as more will be added to the schedule.
On the day of your appointment, you will drop off your pet at the listed time:
Cat: 7:30 AM
Dog: 7:45 AM
All pets must be picked up before 4:30 PM.
Brachycephalic Breeds Policy
At this time we are unable to spay/neuter these brachycephalic breeds:
Boston Terriers
French Bulldogs
English Bulldogs
Old English Bulldogs
Shih Tzus
Other dogs exhibiting brachycephalic characteristics at the surgeon’s discretion
The flattened features of the brachycephalic dog can cause a variety of medical problems and be especially concerning for anesthetic safety. Brachycephalic dogs are more likely to have complications with surgery recovery post-anesthesia. In recovery, their airway can be compromised and cause breathing issues or other medical complications. Please contact a full-service veterinarian to spay/neuter your brachycephalic dog.
Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP)
Your pet may qualify for a $15 spay or neuter and a rabies vaccination* if you live in Davidson County and one of the following applies:
You receive any type of government assistance such as SNAP (food stamps), Medicare or TennCare, SS Disability, WIC, Unemployment, Public Housing.
You are experiencing temporary hardship due to extreme medical expenses, natural disasters, or other causes.
Other types of need may qualify. Please email us at or call us at (615) 512-5001 for more information.
*rabies vaccine is only included in the price at the time of spay/neuter surgery