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How Spay/Neuter Benefits You, Your Pet, and Your Community

How Is It Good For You?

  • Spayed and neutered pets tend to be calmer and more affectionate companions.

  • Spaying your dog or cat gets rid of her heat cycle, which means it also gets rid of the bleeding, nervous behaviors, and crying that comes with it.

  • Dogs not spayed or neutered are more prone to urine-marking, barking, roaming, and mounting behaviors.

  • Cats have an extremely strong instinctual urge to spray if not spayed or neutered.

How Is It Good for Your Pet?

  • Spaying/neutering helps your pet live a longer, healthier life.

  • Spaying prevents ovarian cancer, uterine infections, and breast tumors, which are cancerous in about 50% of dogs and 90% of cats.

  • Neutering prevents testicular cancer and most prostate problems.

  • The average lifespan of spayed dogs is 23% longer than those not spayed, and neutered dogs live 18% longer than those not neutered.

  • For cats, neutered males live 62% longer, and spayed females live 39% longer.

How Is It Good for the Community?

  • Spaying/neutering controls the pet population in the community, and in your household.

  • Did you know that dogs and cats don’t go through menopause like humans do? They remain fertile and can reproduce throughout their lives.

  • Dogs can have three litters of puppies every year, with an average of six puppies per litter. That’s 18 puppies a year, and 216 puppies in a lifetime for an unspayed dog.

  • Cats can have five litters of kittens every year, with an average of four kittens per litter. That’s 20 kittens a year, and 300 kittens in a lifetime for an unspayed cat.

  • There is no limit to how many litters an un-neutered male dog or cat can produce.

Pet Community Center offers affordable spay/neuter surgeries so that every pet has the opportunity to live their happiest and healthiest life. You can view spay/neuter pricing and book an appointment for your pet at

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